I can’t believe it is mid-August already! Where did the summer go? While we had plenty of hot, humid days, we also had several gorgeous stretches of lovely, warm weather with low humidity. Those days are the best summer has to offer and I hope everyone was able to take advantage of them to get out and do the fun things we’ll remember fondly when the short, dark, chilly days of winter keep us close to home and hearth. Personally, I really enjoy sitting out on the parsonage deck in the evening when it is shady. I have come to know many of our neighbors as they take walks in the cool of the evening, and we exchange cheery greetings as they stroll.

As the summer winds down, I find I can’t help but have the same feelings I had as a child when the opening day of the new school year drew near. My family spent my childhood summers in a mobile home in Onset, Massachusetts (the unofficial entrance to Cape Cod, since it was on the “land” side of both the Bourne and Sagamore bridges). All summer we were “free-range children” who could go to one of three (!) beaches within walking distance. There were penny candy stores, a five and dime, a soft-serve ice cream stand and dozen or so other “honky tonk” beach attractions to attract our attention and money. My friends and I used to spend our days swimming, playing, and begging our families for money for sweets. We played outside from early morning until the streetlights came on, with a couple of breaks for meals.

The last week of August, it all ended abruptly. We were hustled into the car and returned to our home in Westwood to prepare for the inevitable: school. Necessary clothing and shoes were bought, along with a new pencil case (complete with a protractor!) and we were ready to go. I always looked forward to the start of the new year with mixed feelings, trading flip-flops and shorts for a dress and lace-up shoes was tough. Sitting at a desk all day was a huge challenge after roaming around Onset all summer. The first day of school was always fine because of the excitement of seeing old friends and greeting new teachers, perhaps even a new school, but the novelty wore off quickly and it was back to the old grind for another nine months.

Even at 70, those memories are still fresh. When I see the school buses on their first run of the year, my heart sinks and I must remind myself it is still summer until mid-September. I have to consciously realign my thoughts to embrace that we are embarking on a whole new season of adventures at church, with social events, a great tag sale, meetings, book club, Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Lenten book study, Easter Sunrise (a personal favorite!) and all our other activities.  So, get your new shoes ready, sharpen your pencils and get ready to greet a new year at First Baptist!

In Christ,

Pastor Sharon